Nisovin, the Rouge Wizard turned Artificer.
Since it’s cannon already that some magics are banned in Luyarnha, and can even get you stripped of your magical abilities one way or another, I thought it would be funny if I brought back Hunter’s most hated character of mine with a twist.
Previoustly, he was a Deep Gnome Wizard, though given his tendencies, ended up locked up in Luyarnha (for reasons to be explored below), and having his magic stripped from him.
Do I want to make him a normal gnome? Not a deep gnome? Mainly due to their typical attitude of being serious/suspicious, where as Nisovin is very silly/non serious.
Leveraging his remaining knowledge of the arcane, and inventive nature, he’d now be rebuilt as an artificer rather than a Wizard!
Physical Descriptions:
Leathery skin, Keen glinting eyes, with yellow Iris’s. His once pure white mustache and long beard having turned an ashen grey from soot and dirt, clearly having grown more unkempt with time.
- Wears an oversized mechanic’s beanie w/ goggles due to his old Wizard hat and grimoire being confiscated.
- Which, seems to be able to hold a suspiciously large amount of items?
- He pulls stuff out of it to store similar to a magician’s hat trick
- Anti-magical cuffs on either hand, the connection middle portion seemingly broken/undone
He’s now been labeled as the very thing he used to hunt… a rouge wizard.
Having been reprimanded for his treatment of suspects & criminals during his investigation into the Dungeon of the mad mage.
He was meant to apprehend a known rouge wizard, investigate, and return to make his report.
- But ironically, he went rouge himself. “They said I was being ‘irresponsible’, and ‘abusing my authority’. Pfah!”
Reprimanded for:
- Storing the target he was meant to arrest in a bag of holding for a prolonged amount of time (deemed inhumane)
- Meme here is that it’s OK to do so for under a specific duration of time, but he left him in there for years
- Ignoring orders to return
- ”Insubordination"
- "Causing extreme collateral damage” when casting my spells.
- Destruction of private property (Referring to the Mad Mage’s tower, and the tavern above)
Responsible for multiple (interdimensional?) war crimes following the events of the Dungeon of the Mad mage.
- OR, come up with some events that lead him to end up in Luyarnha? (Probably by mistake), then having displayed magic which the city folk either don’t understand, or interpret as heresy, he had his remaining magic sealed & was dumped in this loony bin after being interrogated and deemed mentally unsound.
Potential Introduction
I’d like for him to be introduced wearing a straight jacket, which he promptly manages to undo on his own.
- One moment, their looking at him, and it’s completely tied snug as a bug in a rug.
- The next moment, it’s completely loose, most notable with how he’s gesturing with his hands with the sleeves that are too long flopping about as he speaks.
This is a reference to Nisovin’s introduction to the party in the dungeon of the mad mage, where James & Justin insisted on putting some serious locks on his hands to keep him from scrying while they interrogated him to see whether or not they could trust him.
- After convincing them, he promptly used the
spell to unlock the specially made cuffs himself, shocking the other party members (especially the blacksmith)
Given his new role as an artificer
, I can carry on the meme of him being great at undoing all sorts of locks!
- Especially locks place on him. He always seems to break out of restraints somehow
- I’ll need to build him in such a way to justify this
He’s an Ex-Wizard turned Magician with mechanical inventions
Extra quips to work into bits
”The purpose of the state apparatus is for one class to repress another class. The state has a monopoly on violence, and I seek to over turn that!” Shanks guard
”I AM NOT A KING, I AM NOT AN ELDER GOD! I AM frightened, and I’d like to home please and thank you.”
A door to a large room with a big half hazardly painted sign hanging on it that says “Cheese”.
- The room is just filled with mouse traps.
It wasn’t enough for them to try me for all the murders I DID commit, so they tried me for all the potential children from the population of people I DID KILL, ergo unfairly increasing my sentence period!
- This is some BS!
Nisovin bit idea: “You know what they say, live. Laugh. Lobotomy!”
- Then proceeds to fucking spike someone’s frontal lobe through their eye
”LISTEN! I’ll have you know the pieces falling off of this vehicle are of the FINEST gnomish craftsmanship!”