Session Intro
Still shopping! Waron’s got his new Scythe!
- Add Scythe to inventory I did buy some silver powder, though think I need some vials of water to make holy water for Narissa!
Is silver powder consumed during ceremony?
Verena stuff w/ Marinus’s whole situation
My weapon
Session Notes
Ruby district seems to be the area where scourge folk are locked off
Waron’s still very shaken up
- Trembling slightly
He did something to me I had a vision, of who I’m not sure. but I’m certain it’s someone I mustn’t forget.
- I felt a piece of them leave me
I stopped mid procedure…
- he removed something from me, but didn’t inject me with the thing he did afterwards like last time.
Waron has another curse. Not just the Scourge. - This would be an opportune moment for Waron to reveille himself as a scourgeborne to Narissa - Remove his helmet Mention the desire to travel to the Shrouded District to search for some group known as “The abyss wardens”.
- For they may have knowledge of my curse…
- They harbor knowledge of something “great, dark, and deep”. According to [shop keep name], the scourge corrupts. But this curse is one of hunger, not mere corruption.
- The abyss Wardens know something of my curse.
He claims that these services (treatments) can save me… though he will not act without my consent.
- Prior to this though, he mentioned wanting to make Waron “Perfect”.
- Waron responded: “But I don’t want to be perfect. I want to be Waron.”
Sanctified district
Note: Thank Cello on behalf of her mistress for the bath
Waron’s lower face was revieled
Oh right! I mentioned to Verena that I’d like to talk with her about what she saw in my mind
Waron’s the closest thing to a puppy Cello will get
Carmella for memory
Vicor Rahnya Pelicos
Citizens of the Ruby district: The forsaken
Some noble named Tomathin Rehwoldt will be meeting us in the Shrouded District
Scourge beasts seem to have a silver vial on them, the ones associated with The Blood Cross
Divine Enclave Branches:
- House of blood