Session Intro
We’re heading over to Lord Thomathin’s to report our findings! Waron has the Cursed Tiefling Scourge Skull Cello’s Alligator’s head is still detached from it’s body
- Waron feels awful about his
Session Notes
According to Henry, gangs have been an issue lately in the Sanctified district?
- The gang goes by the name of The Fabricators They successfully managed to create fake gold, and distribute it through the central banks.
- It even got inside the grand cathedral
Lord Thomathin’s Manor
It is reveled to the party that excessive horn growth is a sign of scourge infection for tieflings. Verena describes her vision as Vargus to Thomathin to question him of what she saw, including lord Thomethin’s involvement. Thomathin claims the cells in Verena’s vision must be from one of two places: a cell from inside The Abyssal Keep within the Waterfront District OR an experimental holding cell belonging to The Scions in the Newbridge District. Thomathin warns them that The Scions are very dangerous people.
They ask Thomathin more about Viicor Henry. He apparently had another brother names Inundale. who was stillborn Vicar Henry had also come to the shrouded district 5 years go after opening disagreeing with the quarantining of Ruby District. Somehow he thought he could help with the scourge activity in the Shrouded District but soon it became a hot spot for scourge activity. Lord Thomathin appears to believe that Vicor Henry is simply doing his best for the people, even if he is misguided, or causing more harm than good in the end.
Thomathin thinks the Church is trying to turn the Shrouded district into the next Ruby district by cordoning them off,. They also have extablished that Thomathic was friends with Lord Philip.
Make a page for Lord Phillip
Verena asks Thomathin: Why doesn’t the church approve of Alchemists?
- This inquiry appears to make him quite happy
The church despised Alchemy due to the principles of it not requiring some divine consciousness.
- How can you trust the combination of chemicals will yield a consistent pattern? Who do these laws answer to? You cannot trust this. (According to the church) The Luminary One, aka capital G God
- or The Radiant One
The Church apparently had some allegations again Lord Thomathin, which put him on bad terms with them…
- But we don’t know what those allegations are.
- He hired us to help him gain some allegations he could use to fire back against the Church.
- This seems very sketch. We don’t know why he truly wants to hit back against the He hired a Psion from the Newbridge district, whom has in depth knowledge of the underground in the area. And hired a fail out of the Jaeger program to serve under him as well. And appears to have some contact within the Ruby district, and place that is Quarantined.
He surrounds himself with people who are full of knowledge.
- And he is very careful about the knowledge that he allows other people to have. Thomathin is clearly looking for dirt on the Church… Ranyha is the one who made this connection…
- She’s the apostle to the Vicor Abraham. In other words, she wanted to investigate the Church, but couldn’t do it directly.
But why would she do it through a man who so clearly has a bone to pick with the Church like Thomathin?
Thomathin lost his wife to the scourge…
- she lost her life
- She got into an experiment during the first war… She volunteered
Waron attempts to sympathize with the Man.
Waron’s just sad now. Thinking about his Wife, and Thomathin’s.
- What did the Church do to her?
- Did the Church do that to his wife…? No. It appeared to be some monster. Similarly, she wanted to protect the people. So she fought… and died. (Presumably)
Thomathin pays us with a solid gold dagger. And Marinus ensures we also obtain the Blood Crystal
Make a doc for Lord Thomathin, and include his underlings.
Norbert ⇒ Thomathin’s body guard/failed Jaeger Madam Gillette ⇒ Psion?
The experiment to turn his wife into a Jaeger went wrong, and she went mad. Attacked people, in human form. Then gradually became unrecognizable. To most…
- Everything about her changed, except one thing. Her eyes.
- Her name was Lumina
Thank you for sharing your memories of Lumina with us
Verena asks them about the group in cloaks from last session, any inkling who they might be
- They’re the Abyss Wardens! Waron tries to press Thomathin for info on where they might be.
They’re some cult, worshiping
If Waron comes across a small little place in the Shrouded district:
- The Chipped Shoulder, a small end shop
- Run by a half elven man. Kind fellow.
- Careful with what he lets you see.
- Sells mining goods, and asks the same question to everyone who enters:
- Answer it as such: A second Canary? The first one warns you, the second saves you
Narissah is staring daggers into Waron, as he mentions his desperate interest in the Abyss Wardons.
- He still needs to come clean to Narissah.
Thomathin then addresses Cello. Apparently he’s made good on his promise to try and introduce her to … She apparently made a promise to Minerva Gershwin, Cello’s Mistress to ensure she and Cello never met.
He did however manage to set up a meeting with Cello and Camilla
Cello told Thomathin to call on her at any time, as thanks setting her up with a meeting with Camilla He gave her a whispering stone, so they can keep in contact.
- it only works once a day.
Cello asks Thomathin if they could help find a way to open the locked box from her Mistress’s place.
- They Identify it as having several kinds of magic cast upon it:
- Thaumaturgy
- Necromancy
- ??? It’s a one of a kind arcane puzzle box.
- It will destroy anything inside of it, should anyone try to force it open.
- The puzzle though is one of a kind.
They try to pick the lock through arcane means…
- but it’s encrypted. The awnser isn’t so easy.
- BUT they did discover it’s sound based!
- So Cello needs to play some song to it Songs she’d tried so far: Moonlight princess
- Though this piece isn’t completed…
Wait, its an SCP?
- Scion crafted projects
Make a lore page for SCPs!
And an armory folder for them to be stored and categorized under!
Waron hears ___ whispering about the SCP manaquins to Thomathin: (nat 20)
- it might have been related to Malach Angels she says. Waron wispers in kind to Cello: “What’s a Malach’s Angel?”
- She rolls a nat 20 as well LMAO! She recalls, that apparently they are some rebellious Mannequins. Given Sapience, by some being known as Malach.
- And so they became known as Malach’s Angels
He recommends The Busted Barrel, as a bathhouse/inn Verena protests about going to such a place, so he recommends Whispers in the Mist!
The mention of The Busted Barrel brings something to the fore front of Grey’s mind:
- He had a friend who wanted to open a tavern named “The Bustling Barrel” back in the day!
Thomathin also mentions… Alchemy shops?
Verena questions Thomathin about Noibert, his bodyguard who failed out of the Jaeger program.
- How exactly does one fail the program… Wouldn’t that imply he’s dead? His “defects” as a result of the experiment failing was deafness in his left ear, and a bum leg.
The fair well prince