The Busted Barrel (originally called The Bustling Barrel): This humble tavern is run by a brown bearded, bald human man named Planters Fix
Planters Fix
House Special
The house special is a shot of Wispy Sour from the previous owner’s private stash, which Planters tries to pass off as his own recipe, the common version is his recipe, the uncommon version is the original recipe. (Gain the benefits of the uncommon variant to Wispy Sour) [100 gp]
Apparently Planters Fix is a fellow soldier of Grey’s from back in the day. There’s some apparent relation with elves, as they speak elvish back and forth with one another, and he’s capable of cooking with Evermint
- Though Verena is the only one privy to this knowledge, due to also speaking elvish and having listened blatantly to their conversation.