Shop Details
The stand is interesting from a sponsorship perspective since both elven families fund the spot so that the other family cannot sell their weaponry within the church, creating a weird stalemate of profitable charity to the Church, which they are more than happy to accept.
Ranged Martial Weapons
Organization affiliations
Joint-sponsored by the Emberhearts & Moongolds
Shop Keep
Name: Rusty
Firearms, cannons, ammunitions
Item | Cost |
Flintlock | 28 gp |
Pistol | 40 gp |
Blunderbuss | 50 gp |
Rifle | 70 gp |
Cannon | 1,000 gp |
Bag of Cannonballs | 350 gp |
Additional Services
Rusty appears to be the shop keeper due to his impartiality between the two families that sponsor the shop, to keep a balance.