Character Details

Full Name: Barborin Yorgin Nickname: ??? Met: Yes

Member of the Paladins of the Eldritch Hunt.

Rank: Stalker/Member? Under Pack Leader/Striker: Vresh


Berserker of some kind? Seems to be specialized in long term offensive combat.


I encountered them in Session 10, when making my way to meet my party members for heading to the Sanctified district.

He seemed to be covered in blood, gruff, somewhat rude initially. Made a comment about monsters seeming to be getting bigger lately.

  • Seemed to imply he was fighting a monster in the water ways that was getting bigger no matter how much he cut them down.
  • So naturally Waron recommended him a bigger Axe for cutting down bigger monsters
    • He liked that. A lot lmao.


000 Stalker