Character Details
Full Name: Hugaby Melvin Magmabrand
Nickname: Hugo Magmabrand
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Real Age: 26
Met: Yes
Organization affiliation:
Shop keep of the Powdered Emporium
A somewhat young looking but gruff acting man with soot on his face. He has an ample build and rustic charm to go with his trimmed beard and thick black hair matted from his work in the shop.
He has a passion for gunsmithing and works on modifying weaponry he’s given by other hunters to craft his own guns in his free time.
The party kind of breaks him in DND Session 21 Vanessa decides to fuck with his heart strings, and ends up snapping a few. He has a total breakdown, and ends up trauma dumping, and opening up about everything from the loss of his parents, to the façade he’s gone through painstaking efforts over the years to maintain
- Though the hunter with us asserts that no one actually bought it, but humored him for years.
Relationship with Party:
Verena’s boy toy. He’s very friendly with the party at this point, having shared his residence with them during 2 Eldritch moons, and having received so much patronage from the party.