Session Intro
Waron and Verena where bonded by their trauma of fire physically manifested
Reconvening outside of Raywolt manner
Session Notes
Ari Lore Questions:
Ari questions Hunter meat wise about celibacy of the church members and bishops.
- Prostitution is “a big no no” though, as breeding is needed to keep the population numbers up The Grand Cathedral is 70% woman, with a lot of infants
- Hunter also pointed out that us, the players, taking up residence takes housing space that would otherwise go to women and children to keep them safe. Sanctified district is 50/50, since they’re more isolated
Talking with Lord Thomathin
Need proper citation page and spelling Thomas's name and character
Phillip was also involved with Alchemy, and was supposedly hunted down by the church for it, since he was attempting to find a cure for a the scourge.
We where rewarded for the delivery of the corrupted silver tonic:
- party received 300g
- But wait, there is more! We need to provide proof that implies the church
We need to investigate the source of the tonic if we wish to receive full payment.
Upon us mentioning potentially investigating the local drug cartel as a possible means of transport for the corrupted silver tonic, Thomas warns us that The Stairwell Prince takes his territory very seriously
- The head of that drug cartel?
We’re coming up with plan to disguise and break in?
- Or visit the retirement home in disguise to track down the source of the tonic?
We ran into FORMER Paladin of the Eldritch hunt on our way back:
- now a Jaeger (joined the Jaeger)
- Broke his tenants
- Works as the gate keeper from the shrouded district
- Name: Jaeger Lebrond
- Mentioning the Paladins of the Eldritch Hunt Hunt seems to be a sore spot for him.
After our discussion concluded, we returned to the Church. Cello, Grey, and Waron all decided to snoop on Verena after she entered a sketchy looking shop:
Verena’s secret tattoo shop:
The shop keep is some special form of being, that is probation equipment for those locked from the abyssal keep
- Known as the Penitent Mage, aka “Penny”, as dubbed by Cello
- Sponsored by The Abyssal Keep
- Gears are just turning in Waron’s head on whether or not that’s associated with the Abyss Wardens Verena can see into the weave? Questions “Penny the penitent” about
- Sponsored by The Abyssal Keep
- Penny alludes to some event known as “The unchaining”
Waron looks at a runic design Penny is bringing over to show Verena and loses an int saving throw:
- shape replaced with a naked woman’s body contorted into the shape of the glyph
- Waron breaks out into random laughter at inappropriate moments Cello also looks, but cannot perceive it, and experiences pain in her ocular sensors.
According to Penny, back when “he” was in power, they where able to gain insight via these glyphs…? (He referring to some God/Eldritch being most likely, not Penny himself)
- during the event known as the unchaining, they lost their connection with the great being?
- Refers to Verena as, The carvinger Does the great being you refer to that gives you this… insight, have anything to do with the uh, Abyssal keep…?
Is this something we need to worry about keeping away from the church…?
- Yes. This information will get Verena locked in a box forever.
Verena is meant to bring about some calling/awakening? The church tried to… contain this before apparently, but failed.
Penny is a former Osteomancy mage, capable of bringing about incredible feats of magic, such as perceiving magic into being, or cultivating immortality…
- The connection with the being that enabled this though has since been broken. After the great war, the silver bloods gained popularity due to steinheardt’s contributions
- A Silverblood queen was recognized by the radiant church, and in turn the radiant church became the “voice of the people”. Then they went about imposing restrictions on magic itself, it sounds like. The removing of arcane knowledge took place on a large scale, targeting Osteomancy in particular.
- the church bound the arcane abilities used by these… creatures.
- Warping them into what they are now.
Verena’s soul was put in a “box”, that is isolated from the exterior world, which is why she can’t cast traditional spells?
She needs to find the locations where her 3 keys where initially manifested!
- Those chosen by the greater beyond are knowledgeable of these locations! The Veiled Hunter is brought up by Verena, which they react to.
The Chosen Verena should seek are all:
- They are banished from the city…?
- They lie on the outskirts?
- Yet they walk among us… We end up back:
Grey goes to help Cello attach her new arm.
Cello has the memory of being “wiped” by Minerva.
- including username and password
- She managed to create tears somehow at the edges of her eyes…?!
- ”I don’t know what I am” - Cello
For next time:
Waron wants to talk Ludwig about his regained memories.
The Abyssal Keep is a massive jail complex, where people that are still deemed useful to the church, but are to dangerous are kept.
- Mostly consists of members of the losing side of the civil war in Luyarnha