
Narissa heals Waron “Don’t worry, it’s friendly fire.” he says to the shocked paladins he has saved. Marinus’s black hole sucks in one of the deranged ones. “Oh god,” he says in horror as his black hole erases the creature from existence but then remembers he doesn’t believe in any god. There is only the Void. Grey and Narissa get up on the outer wall and run alongside it. Narissa tosses him 2 silver and 2 lead bullets Waron and the two men he saved come to help Lieutenant Feylif (?) who is fighting 3 geists with some difficulty. The Lunar Warden looms towards them and uses a large black blade sweeps across the land and wipe out a bunch of hunters and monsters. Marinus rushes in to help save Cello who has been surrounded by the skurge patients. Verena and Cello combined are able to kill one. Cello kills one with her new silver sword.

Narissa heals Waron “Don’t worry, it’s friendly fire.” he says to the shocked paladins he has saved. Marinus’s black hole sucks in one of the deranged ones. “Oh god,” he says in horror as his black hole erases the creature from existence but then remembers he doesn’t believe in any god. There is only the Void. Grey and Narissa get up on the outer wall and run alongside it. Narissa tosses him 2 silver and 2 lead bullets Waron and the two men he saved come to help Lieutenant Feylif (?) who is fighting 3 geists with some difficulty. The Lunar Warden looms towards them and uses a large black blade sweeps across the land and wipe out a bunch of hunters and monsters. Marinus rushes in to help save Cello who has been surrounded by the skurge patients. Verena and Cello combined are able to kill one. Cello kills one with her new silver sword.

A bear of a man (Ludwig) calls for an evacuation. Feylith shouts and tries to engage with the Lunar Warden and she howls. The lunar Revenant starts to climb onto the platform. Holy blue flames lick up from his next attack. Flames erupt across the affected area. Waron is clasped by Ludwig as Feylith continues to fight the Revenant. Cello tries to flee into the Church but Thoke yells at her not to open the doors and risk letting the enemy enter. Another figure arises from the other body of water. A bloody, winged and horned skulled screams and seems to cause the fallen enemies to twitch. Geists seem to pull themselves out of the ground. He points at the radiant Citadel and screams. The barriers begin to fall as geists and creatures alike begin to surge to the front of the Church. Durzhoga fights alongside Thok. She asks Waron how much longer, to which he says he doesn’t know. Maybe thirty seconds. Ludwig attacks the Lunar Revenant with a green flame of radiant energy from his sword . The skull demon flies over as the geists begin to close in. The patterning of tile alerts the party to a smaller seeming figure atop the Radiant Church. The creature had bone-like and beautiful protrusions and was enveloped in green light. Another figure, a white tiefling s;odes down the tiles of another tower.

Marinus hears them remark that the battle was more of an issue than they thought but that they are here to help. The tiefling says “Dibs on the Revenant.” He reveals a large blade and cuts his hand lightly, seemingly activating the blade as he grips onto the tower. The other being evokes a light that seems to fold in on itself. A summoned being creates a realm of soft light around the party and the grouped paladins as the tiefling and a summoned angel goes to fight the revenant and the skull demon respectively. The barriers fall and the party along with the paladins of the Eldrich hunt make a final stand in the courtyard before the Church. Verena unleashes fire and kills a few, Narissa uses a explosive bullet + another shot to kill a few skurge patients and a wolf, Grey kills another claw man with his spear, Marinus reopens the void near amongst the geists. Cello rejoins the group as Waron manages to kill another skurge patient. The boney light green creature uses a powerful spell. A rune that looks like a clock seems to force time forward, thus causing the moon to heal almost faster. The tiefling collides with the reverend after launching himself off the tower at it. Both he and the creature disappear into the water. The other entity strikes the demonic creature, which shrinks in size. Some geists seem to disappear. The survivors flank each other as they fight their final seconds against the eldritch hunt. Everyone but Marinus passes out. Marinus + Ludwig drag people to their beds. Ludwig and the creature.

Everyone levels up.
