Location: Cello’s home

This document is in need of organization.

[Master’s Name] Manor murder mystery.

Met Jaeger Moralis at Cello’s house?

  • He’s a baldie!

Something seems to be very wrong.

Cello’s Master is renowned as a famous story teller!

  • Plays? Playwrights?

Are they thinking she committed suicide?

There’s a critic of her latest performance?

  • Did she seem down?

She didn’t make the performance?

She’s in some sort of Coma?

Maybe a Dulahan took her soul?

  • Her eyes were closed, so her head is still there, so maybe not…?

Upon witnessing the state of her Mistress, Cello gains some Madness (Scourge automaton)

  • Beast inside has been released!
  • Hands are claws now (1 d6 slashing per claw, can attack twice)
  • Advantage on dex saves!

Would Waron notice the change in her hands? Or even worse, what it means?

  • Waron’s somewhat familiar with Madness & the scourge

Fungus spilling out of her master’s head? 

  • This sounds awful

Some kind of poison?

No, it WAS the scourge! She was infected with it…

  • It weakened her immune system? Beastial instinct took over?
  • She was POISON’d on the night of the hunt with some poison that infected her with the scourge
  • We found traces of her blood from about 3 nights prior that had traces of scourge already…

What we know:

Happened on the night of the Hunt. She woke up on a train, Waron would be able to key in more info!

  • Would Waron be listening in?

Note in the fireplace

“I’ve finally managed to find someone perfect for me. Just the piece I needed to center me in my life again. They claimed they didn’t need a name, but just calling them something based on a number seems odd. I’ll make it a play on her serial number for short. I hope she likes it. Ever since–”

Can Waron pick up a scent on the note? [I rolled a nat 20 lmao]

  • Marbled stone and lilac
  • Follow it to a leather bound diary!

“To my princess in the moonlight, finish what I could not”

  • Note by a locked box Cello found in her Mistress’s bedroom

Coughing in her Mistress’s room, smashed mirror, etc? 

  • Bloodied handkerchief?

Cello’s Mistress’s body still seems to be alive?!

  • Is she being taken over by Scourge Fungus?!
  • Unconscious but her body yet breaths

They’re saying she needs to be “purged” due to the scourge infection.

  • Waron should be able to go about investigating this without risk, since he’s already infected.
