Character Details
Full Name: ???
Nickname: The Penitent Mage
Gender: ? (Presumably?)
Species: ? (Some form of Osteomancer)
Met: Yes
Organization affiliation:
Rank: ? Superior: ?
Having encased themselves entirely in an iron chassis, they dawn an iron-maiden style mask and hulking body that rivals a half giant when fully erect. This is because they were an osteomancy mage before this, doomed to a life locked away in the Abyssal Keep (prison) until The Unchaining occurred, twisting their body into a malformed monstrosity of bone and sinew.
However, their captors saw this transformation as more than enough punishment for their crimes, and with good behavior, were promised freedom in exchange for using their abilities for The Radiant Church (Creator of its coffin, Kysus Borovir). They took the offer, as a way to both ward people away from the arcane, and use the arcane talents to empower others.