Session Intro
We’re beginning our session at the scribe’s library, just starting to go through for information.
Waron will be keeping an eye on the time, so he can make it to his ceremony (will leave at sundown)
Session Notes
Marinus Research
The Fire Keepers
Marinus burns 5 hours searching for info on the Fire Ganassi group…
Abyssal keep research
He ends up reading about the abyssal keep
- burns another 5 hours, but learns about the structure of the
The black Goat
First ever witnessed during the 33rd hunt. Also known as “The Goat Mother”
Those that where approached by this being during the hunt Accounts of spottings come from scattered journals of now deceased Luyarnhans, from the Paterna Iter & ___ district
Researching the Radiant One
It started as a small, cultish sect, the Luminare. The Godless King had banned religion within the city wall. As such, the Luminare was nailed to a cross.
As he was being brutalized, rather than crying out in pain, or begging for mercy, he instead prayed for those doing this to him.
The king, in a beastial rage, killed him while he was on the cross, begging for them to be spared (the king and such), turning him into a martyr.
3 days later, he broke out of his tomb, declared his transcendence, and rose into the sky.
- according to eye witness accounts. This prompted the people to band together, and slay the Godless King. Their religious fervor spreading like wild fire.
Apsotle Ignis played a big part in this.
The Godless King was a Silver Blood. His own family betrayed him, and assisted the people in overthrowing him.
The civil war to overthrow the Godless King, took place in 980, after enlightenment. (ae)
- The first war against the beasts from the south took place in the year 1000
Vicor Priscilla
She was graceful, loving, considerate, and an ethereal beauty that embodied everything the church stood for.
She led huge hunting parties. Her powers alone could hold groups of beats at bay.
- Mainly with her legendary weapon, the Moonlight Greatsword Steinhart lead the charge to purge any scourge that would dare show their face in the light of day.
She was stabbed by a powerful, vicious scourge beast.
- resulting in a scream, so powerful it echoed across the city.
- Like a psychic scream
- This shattered the blood moon, breaking it during the hunt… and starting a new moon.
- The Shattered Moon, also known as the Geisnatch.
She was declared dead, and has been given a holy grave sight, next to the symbolic resting place of Radiant one himself.
- Known as the Graveyard of Gardens, located in the Grand Cathedral
lucky Lenny
Has an eyepatch with an emerald insignia on it… which seems similar.
The Ruby District
A group of scourge borne seeking independance from within the Ruby district.
- Small revolutionary movements in other districts.
- The church goes out of their way to make ruthless examples of them.
- The house of blood’s victims, most likely… The group seems to focus more so on the destruction of the system, rather than building up their group…
- There is mention of some faction leader? The leader of the forsaken, is known as the “Emerald of Hope”, having single handedly broken through the blockade from the church.
- likely Dur’zoga’s father.
He took it upon himself to feed the people in the Ruby district. Even broke through the church’s lines to allow a small group to escape the city when the scourge was worsening, risking and almost losing his life to a JaegerMeister in the process.
- He still resides in the Ruby district today
Alessa & Grey
The Veiled Hunter
- She burned her cookie fortune to reroll a nat 1 A group of people came into the city, claiming to be members of the church…
- and where asking for people’s blood.
They The people became samples. The huble little logging villager, known as Jaeger Wilier, became consumed by a small flood. remnants being burried, and forgotton. Until now.
- There is a map, with a spiraling tower, and the location of the small village. The Veiled Hunter seems to be a ghost, haunting that place.
- Some remnant of the village that pre-ceeded the city itself. It’s the manifestation of the souls from that village. Haunting the city, and hoping to one day claim their revenge.
History of Wendigos within the City.
Most of them seem to have been taken care of within the city somewhat easily. However, there is one seeming… foreign. Having found a power vacuum and taken hold of it
- It took hold of some power here, and made it it’s own. This is apparently what gave rise to The Circle of Symbiosis
- Dated 1 month from Narissa’s uncle’s death.
The Circle of Symbiosis
She’s tunnel visioning hard right now, in her wrath. Though she does come across some key notes… Right along the walls of the Ruby district, hidden in the thick of the forest, there lays the base of the Circle of Symbiosis.
- Apparently filled with traps. The circle has some uncanny travel method (tree striding) The Dullahan’s regularly torment the citizens of the Ruby district apparently.
These Druids have gotten dangerously strong… seemingly building an army of some form.
Deep in the thick of the south east, in the woods… It would appear the wall has been breached.
- The outside wall of the Ruby district
- This cannot be dealt with by the church, due to the current quarantine.
This might be a good negotiation point between the revolutionary scourge point and the church.
Thomathin, or rather the Raywoldt family is responsible for the mortar used for construction around the city. Making her quite a powerful noble within the city.
Orphanage at the Newbridge district apparently was opened by his wife.
- She cared greatly for the children.
She ended up making a promise to push back the beasts, whatever it took. Hence her entrance into the Jaeger program.
- Nicknamed by the Psions, as the first Jaegers.
Her identification went from that of a person to a number, through the course of experimentation.
- SCP 001-V Only Steinhardt survived from the first group of Jaegers.
More info is under lock and key of the Scions… this is merely the records of the scribes.
One more thing of note: The SCPs partnered with a certain group: The Obulis Scholare
The Prophocy
There are notes of a prophocy. There is note of a connection to… something. 13 pieces of “essence” of something.
- 13 lost, wounded, broken beings that wish to be reunited.
- One person can make them flesh once more. Bring them back, and carry their message/soul, known as The carvinger
- THIS IS ABOUT VERENA She is the stitching that can bring these beings back home, to where they belong. Her mind is capable of handling the overwhelming presence of these being.
She’s having to ask around for more information on Osteomancy, held behind lock and key. Bound with iron.
- She is allowed in, but given no aid in her search. Runes, seals of sort, able to make a mind capable of truly understanding. There are no pictures, no designs.
The version she drew on the table that made it explode, was apparently a watered down version of these 3 runes.
These beings of essence, are usually unable to be contained in an average mind. It would be like trying to stuff a river into a bucket. Rather instead, through marking via the runes, the Carvinger would essentially “become the river”.
Every osteomancer though that has attempted to try and mark themselves with these runes died a gruesome death.
- They were incapable of housing this information.
- With the exception of 1 man… supposedly.
The prior man engraved with the 3 runes
The defiled librarian. He was sealed away in the deepest darkest pits of the archive, to ensure that he could never come forth.
- His tomb/tome is locked behind the whispering doors… trying to get people to “read” him, via the whispers from the doors…
- He is the one who founded this magic
He used fresh skin from the children at the orphanage to… “test” his new runes.
- This is why he was locked away in the end. The justification used
Through this book, it would appear he is… “glowering” at her.
Apparently, during the night of the 4th hunt, Osteomancers lost control of their powers, and turned into grotesque forms. As a result, they where either killed, or became abominations beyond saving.
- i.e. The Penitent Mage The luminary scribes write that it was some event during the hunt, which is not confirmed which caused this… 3 Theories:
- A spell was cast to taint the very well from which the magic of Osteomancy comes from.
- Super powerful osteomancer tainted all of those connected to the magic.
- The pool of osteomantic magic gave birth to a horrendous monster, some form of being, which was fed by the prior osteomancers.
- The Yellow King Moon. A scar formed rune at the center of the moon, with a yellow color.
- It was a form of punishment by the Radiant One, for that night they committed a crime so grievous, that divine punishment did this to them for their sins. This event during the 4th hunt was known as The Unchaining Those known to re-acclimate to society are known as The Chained
The 13 Entities
There are also 13 different kinds of Eldritch moons within Luyarnha.
- shattering moon
- howling moon
- geisnatch
- vaccuous moon (blackhole in the center of the moon)
- Marinus’s patron
- The galcial moon
- City = Tundra freezer, people become popsicles, etc.
- The Yellow King
- 17th Hunt, Kraken Night
- Lifted into the air, ships abound. Sea creatures seeming to swim
- Blood moon of rebirth
- Glowering moon
- Creeping Tar light of the manic smile
- Scorching moon
- Slumbering moon
The defiled librarian seems like he would know more…
- check the whispering door!
Abyss Warons
There seems to be a recognition with the tomes IT’s an underground cult thriving in the Shrouded district Capable of feasting upon Gods?! Offers solice to the lower realm of society.
Laid eyes upon the visage of their God…
Only the most fervent (and unhinged) profess such encounters. There is a mix of madness and fervor between
They are obsessed with the consumption of any and all flesh, as they believe it contains knowledge.
There is a woman, who seems to lead this cult, known as Dark Mother Becaryn
- She seems to lead the worship of the God known as The Abyss They have managed to call upon it successfully, but only once.
Dated: 4th Hunt Waron’s dejavoo is heavy right now. This date, it… calls to him. Reaches out to him. But it’s just out of reach.
- research the 4th hunt
The Paladins of the Eldritch Hunt
Generalized form of knowledge, of Warriors, men and womaen willing to take it to their last dying breath, and some… beyond that.
Their orgins are shrouded in mystery.
- Their origins are zelous followers of the Church. But there are inconsistencies… Rather than a single leader, there seems to be multiple… Two men, and one Woman.
- strong, tanacious, and deeply caring for his fellow paladins.
- A bit fool hardy, hence not always looked to as the proper leader Rather, that was left to Gerard, known as the guilded lion. His capabilities unmatched, even by Ludwig.
- His ability to give a voice to the paladins. To make them a people.
- Before, they where defunct, lost. The failures. Those the church saw no use in taking on. From the clay of failure, warriors of death
Ludwig: Brawn Gerard: Brains Leyia: The Heart
The heart took responsibility, after every fight, excursion, hunt, that they never lost their way.
The Durvish of Death, Leyia
The final piece: Waron starts to put something together. The latest docs of the trio being behind, in passage to the Shrouded district, to investigate an artifact possibly related to the beginning, or end of the scourge in the posession of the Abyss Wardons. On the night of the 4th hunt
- The church wasn’t willing to back this
We investigated this artifact during the moon.
From then on, there are only records of ludwig.
He’s targeting, and humanizing the scourge borne as much as possible. He formed a deal with the church, to take in the scourge borne to allow them to be amonst the people, via volunteering.
On the 4th moon
No time left to dig into this, due to having the ritual that night. So he passes that on to Cello, to give to anyone who has spare time
Her medical The golden Fennel, seizes the scourge’s advances when brewed into a tea.
- claimed to be lies by the church Panacea, made from Cordyceps Sinensis, supposedly able to stave off even death when combined with the sanguine vine.
- Able to restore the cognition of scourge beasts
She trusts no one but her most trusted acolytes into her chambers in the Ruby district, for fear of what would happen if her research fell into the wrong hands.
The people where pissed at her, for withholding this cure for only the uber wealthy to use this “cure”, using it to only benefit herself.
- Her name is spat upon by the common people
Minerva Gershwin
A notorious story teller, known as the story weaver by many Suffered from Vetilica, (marbling skin) Her nickname, was the “Marbled Masterpiece”.
She had a relationship with Michelangelo, before he was appointed. Giving her protection from the church.
Famous pieces:
- Radiant Hope
- Steinhardt’s Hunt
- Monster’s Serenade
- Moonlit Princess
- The Lover’s Paradox
Looking further into Michelangelo’s records, there was one found that was requested to be removed by Manerva, never meant to see the light of day
- On the hidden daughter of Minerva Gershwin. They where stricken in early childhood with the scourge. The records indicate all possible resources being allocated to her care.
The 4th moon
Known as “The creeping tar light” A thicken tar drooled from the moon, and lay over the city, shrouding it in darkness.
It started as The Yellow Moon… before it split, and a maw of some… thing appeared, upon a beastly howl that spread across the city.
- This transformed it into The Creeping Tar Light
The Scions
A group on inventors, that where given immunity for the sake of developing weapons during the 1st war.
They stayed after the war for the 1st hunt.
Right now, they are involved with researching many potential solutions to dealing with the scourge.
Manequin model SCP 3110 stands out to her… as a special model.
- a special model, meant to contain… a soul
She begins questioning whether she is the AI in her mind, or her soul.
Narissa helps calm her down, and remember that she was made to play music…
She notes that she wants to visit Michelangelo, noting to Narissa that he and her mistress where a couple at one point, and that she had a child.
Cello pieces two and two together, that she’s some form of replacement for her child. The child’s name is: Jordan. Michelangelo was the one who funded the medical aid for the child, afflicted with the scourge named Jordan…
All of this content is in the Heretical book section.
- considered wrong, or opposed to the church’s beliefs
Alchemy is used for drugs, for one. To pull people away from the radiant one’s light
- dragon’s blood
2ndary counterfeit style gold (pinch thick) is also a creation of Alchemy.
- zinc alloy, with a pinch of copper.
There is much writing here about Alchemy being used as an attempt to usurp Godhood, and talking down about it as putting power in the hands of bad people more likely than not.
Dragon’s blood
- scourge blood + dream lily. When Centrifuged correctly, it gives an intense euphoria, and narcissistic power.
There are specific notes of Alchemists bringing about false hope for a cure, specifically naming Carmella.
- As those claiming to have a cure for the scourge would rather take down the church by any means than actually help the populace
Potion meant to be smuggled into the abyssal keep, caught.
- A potion of water walking
- Warmed brine water
- Jellyfish jelly
Princess Lightshard
Appears to be residing at the Silverblood’s castle! Being held there, to “fix” her to her form.
Very little info on the Silver bloods within the scribes notes… Apparently, they are pretty separate from the church. Even nobles can’t get in without an invitation.
Vicor Henry
Passionate about bettering the church. Rose through the ranks within the Ministry of light rather quickly Over time, people began to notice a… change. In the Vicor. As he witnessed people becoming sicker and sicker in the Shrouded district, making an ever increasing amount of requests for silver tonic from the church… until, one night. The requests stopped altogether.
There was an assassination attempt on Princess Lightshard,
A man named Maximum was trying to pull strings to influence princess lightshard to influence her father, in an attempt to usurp him as King. However he was questioned by the house of blood, and deemed deceased in the process of his interrogation.
They used a circle of truth to try The bloody 3 (house of blood)
Chaos serum (turth serum)
The Curator collects a part of peoples… truths? Instills them with a serum, that forces them to speak only truth. Unable to every lie, ever again.
Used against those that refuse to enter or speak within the circle of truth.
He did request an antidote for this serum from the church, for the event that someone is indeed innocent.
- since the effects are permanent otherwise
Something about him collecting pieces for his “collection”… he seems to keep people.
His weakness however, is for the people within his collection.
- he can imbue them with arcane properties of sorts… Once they have paid their due, he releases them from his… “collection”
Blood moon Research
At the peak of the moons hight, is when the moon changes. All beings, scourge, and non-scourge began to rise.
- from when the moon had began.
Once it reached it’s apogee, things where reborn. (On the 5th day)
- When it blocks out the sun
The beings once risen:
They retain a special eldritch carving on their body, known as the sacrificial brand.
Anyone who dies during the zenith/apogee does not revive.
The Sacrificial Brand
Carries the abilities that creatures who bear this mark, bleed profusely during eldritch moons.
Any creatures of the scourge, gain perception, and survival checks, to find these individuals.
The current Jaeger Meister Aiyel, is the only current known survivor to bear the mark.
- The Jaeger Meister of the Ruby district.
- Still leads a report every single eldritch moon, to signal she’s alive.
- Has basically dug her own grave there.
Once it has been on the body long enough, it begins to scar-ify.
- Any creature with any scourge in their body comes within 300ft of the bearer, they know their exact location, and are filled with an insatiable blood lust to kill that target.
Fix accident double labeling of the 4th moon
Waron’s initiation
He makes his way over to the Silver wolf, around sunset
Pull down the mouth of a silver wolf inside, leading to a hidden door dropping down stairs
Ludwig has a moonlight greatsword?!
- THE one? Ceramic Bolts
The wolf in half, bleeding continuously.
- the first wolf. Ludwig claims it’s lost to time.
- A monstrosity, plauged to never truely die. It’s power, turned to rightousness
Embrace the Eldritch, and join the hunt.
Hints of Yellow in their irises
Drinking the blood kicks him into a flashback of him exploring
Shrouded district
- base of operations, under an abandoned mine.
- Entry + exit way
- The goblet falls into the casm
The Paladins offered to sponsor them for the games
Adamantine Critical hits become normal hits
- considered plate armor otherwise!
Day 1 Individuals:
- Marinus, Waron, Dur’zoga
Day 2: Monster Survival
- Sponsored by the Paladins
Day 3: Partners:
- Waron & Cello
- Bravish sponsorship?
Day 4: Monster Hunt:
- Sponsored by the Paladins
Narissa goes to the Luminary scribes to ask them for sponsorship! And Narissa joined on as a member of the Luminary scribes!
- As an investigator!
- Brings up the Circle of Sembiosis
Asks for sponsorship for the Blood Sport one?
Bravish Deepfist sponsors Waron & Cello
- Duo team Steal Song
Monster Party Sponsor from Bad Bitches w/ Mean stitches?!
Waron also wants to exchange his old armor
- Waron’s new Armor, plate + Crit resist
- Also add the hunter’s coat effects
- Darkvision for 60ft
Waron still needs sponsorship for singles!
- or paying his own way?
- Monster Hunt Group
- Via bad bitches & mean stitches!
Waron’s Dream
Waron has a
Narissa’s dream
She’s wielding a rapier, being stare down by her father, whom is refereeing a duel of sorts in their family gymnasium.
- going up against her youngest brother!
Bout 1: Emerain, her foil tapping against Narissa’s.
- ”There’s a better way to do this”
- Her sister immediately strikes, and hits Narissa dead on Bout 2:
- She looks around the room for Emmet Shaw
- Narissa attempts to hit, but is easily parried and hit in turn. Her father declares the point for Emerrie, and asks her to switch her hand.
Bout 3:
- Narissa: “Oh hi mom!” She attempts to distract her sister, and goes in for the strike while her back is turned, but she is still parried, and her sister locks her arm in place.
- She tries to kick her while she is locked, but her sister still blocks her lmao
- She ends up whipping around her arm to the point where Narissa ends up hitting herself Bout 4: Narissa get embarrassed once again, almost to the point of tears from the blow she received from her sister. Bout 5: Nat 20! Narissa catches her sister as she’s twirling her sword, and smacks the hell out of her, picking up her sister’s sword, getting her with both!
Her father gives her praise initially, for finally landing a blow, though Narissa mistakes the compliment for her younger sister’s tonge lashings, and quips back.
So he criticizes her garbage form, and requires another 30 reps between her and her sister
After he leaves the room though, Narissa opens up to her sister. “I can’t. I’m not.” She expresses that she simply isn’t skilled with a rapier.
She tries to convince her sister of her different ways of approaching hunts, with innovation and invention!
But is told to learn to adapt instead, as a Shaw should. And they attempt to resume.
Her brother however enters the room instead, and interrupts their session, and begins shit talking.
Apparently he manages to piss off father frequently as well.
But he’s here for an ego boost, to gloat and shit on Narissa, referring to her as the biggest failure of the family, and critques her form.
Supposedly, he’s gone to master to spear as he’s been bored of the sword
- more like he’s failed at it
He brings up their human uncle Emmet, asking how he’s been! Apparently learning other skills from him for hunting is a nono.
He’s just here to torment her, to some degree. Like, in a typical older brother sense.
Elder brother Killian is on a hunt, and is requesting Emerie and Asshatmcgee (Edwin) for support.
”Apparently you do [need to look after your appearance], as the only thing you’ll be good for is marrying off to someone else."
"You’re form was off” Emerain strikes her with a rapier directly in the face mid conversation
She hucks a grenade she and Emmet made directly in his face, which goes off, distracting him enough for her to kick him in the balls.
- he yowls
He rushes her with a Venomous hatred, but the youngest sister attempts to stop him.
- He throws Emmarain down with a sickening crack to get her out of the way Narissa jumps on his back to begin attacking him in kind, but is thrown to the ground, and he starts smacking the hell out of her in anger. (across the face)
Then her father bursts into the room in a rage, and yells at him to stop. Edwin stutters out an apology to his father.
She spits out blood, and responds that she’s done her drills, insisting he ask Emerain for confirmation. (He does, she confirms, yeah.)
He gives approval for her to see her Uncle given hes come to see her, her having completed her training.
”Edwin is a dick” to which Emmet replies “he is a dick”
- Both her cheeks are super swollen
- She’s in her young teens at this rate She tells him about her successful usage of the explosive device on her brother
- he expresses some protest, since it was meant to be used only in emergencies
- ”It was an emergency! He did it again!”
- He pulls her in for a hug
He beckons her inside the workshop to see her aunt, and that’s where the dream ends
Marinus tries to get a solo sponsorship
He goes to the blood cross to convince Piirmisha
She reprimands them so hard.
- they’re the eldest people in the city, lmao She agrees in the end, and Marinus asks where he is to be stationed as a blood cross member, meant to stay on the outskirts.
- To make sure no one sneaks in or whatever.
- It’s a shit can position
He then gets a solo sponsorship from Etchings of the arcane
- succeeds, and gets a tattoo
The Tournament
Jaeger Pedro
- The militia Iron Raven
- Sponsored by the Silver bloods Alahal
- Sponsored by the Moon Golds Olyra
- Ember hearts Derek Picktrasil
Hubert, he looks so sad, and disappointed
- So naturally Marinus tries to sponsor him, after the Scions rejected him
- And brands him with “Retten von terror”
Individual Competition
Waron, Marinus, Dur’zoga
Round 1
The tournament is introduced by: Mezofedric something something the 3rd Waron vs The Iron Raven
my AC is 23, and the spell of heroism is cast upon me
- +5 to initiative
- Temp hitpoints +4 temp HP per round (MAX 4 HP)
- Waron wins!
Waron tech:
- Command concede!
24 + 18 = 42 damage to finish her off Her helmet cracks off, it turns out he was a she!
- Waron says it was a good match, and offers her words of encouragement, to which she responds:
- “…fuck.” If I end up going against Hubert, I’ll drop my weapon to the ground, and shout: “Let’s settle this like men! No weapons, no magic! Just fists and grit!“
21 now!
Round 2
Marinus vs Hubert
- Marinus sponsored by etchings of the arcane
- Hubert sponsored by… us.
Round 3
Dur’zoga vs Derek
Dur’zoga curb stomps the guy
Round 4
o’lyra vs allalahl allalal is more of a veteren, o’lyra is more of a fire arms specialist! The artist vs the Engineer
Semi Finals
Round 1
Waron vs Dur’zoga It became a fisticuffs round, and Dur’zoga won by a hair!
Round 2
Hubert vs Allahlal Hubert wins!
Dur’zoga vs Hubert
Dur’zoga wins on showman ship!!!
Jaeger Pedro approaches, and shakes her hand, and tells her she would make an amazing Jaeger.
- denied the crowd’s jeers for a bonus round!
Dur’zoga takes first place, Hubert in Second, and Waron in 3rd!
- we swept the top 3
Narissa visits the archives again
Taking advantage of the festivities and her new found membership as a member of the scribes, she goes to read more about the ____
1st place, 2000g + Larval Tear 2nd place 1000g + Hunters coat 3rd place 500g + 2 healing tonics
Dream Sequences
Day 2 of the blood moon
We start off the day at Bravish deep fist’s stand! The special, is drizzled Dur’zoga +5 init and advantage on the roll
Monster battle! AC is 21 at base! We have to pick a Jaeger Meister!
During the event!
Cello give Waron inspiration