Session Prep
I need to figure out how to add my armor modifications on! And add that amulet to my inventory!
Things to do address this session:
Visiting the Sanctified Sinner to address the issue of my blood being in their possession.
- Marinus seems convinced we could talk it out
- Narissa & Verena are super concerned.
Prep for the Eldritch moon!
We need to see if we can find more allies for the hunt
- Maybe try getting the paladins of the eldritch hunt to help out?
- See if anyone else is willing to assist? (Who? Literally who?)
- Prep scent masking?
- Prep scent baiting
- Travel to Paterna Iter and set up our ambush at the entrance of the water way?
Session Notes
After the party’s discussion about masking scents goes on for a little while, Marinus ends up joining the Blood Cross.
Upon us setting out for Paterna Iter, we witness the entirety of the Paladins of the Eldritch Hunt setting out.
- ”The strongest of us must protect the weakest.”
- Quote, Ludwig Exomnus Beast Breaker
- Lupine, werewolf features. Wendigo, with a massive ass hammer
- This is Vresh.
- Barborin is a member of his crew
Barracks of the Battle Rest
Ordered food, and got daggers with our meals!
- Waron traded his for a drink. We deliberated over names for a bit Then Dur’zoga bought everyone the house special for the +5 initiative buff!
- Also gives initiative on ???
Water Works Entrance
Wolves begin to howl upon the setting sun. The moon’s madness afflicts the crew… The following members failed the wisdom saving throw
Your scream is so loud that it can cause damage. As a bonus action on each of your turns, you can scream at a creature you see within 30 feet of you. If the target can hear you, it must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw, taking 1d12 thunder damage on a failure or half as much damage on a success.
Cannot talk properly. She cannot talk properly. She has to shout to speak!
The sound of the cosmos drowns out all other noise, closing you to the world. You are deafened and have disadvantage on saving throws made to maintain your concentration.
Grey, Narissa, Waron, Dur’zoga:
Whenever a character gains a short-term madness under the Howling Moon, their instincts become bestial. For the duration of the madness, they have advantage on Dexterity saving throws but lose the ability to make ranged attacks or cast spells with a range further than 5 feet, wanting to shed blood with their own two hands. Further, they have advantage on any unarmed strikes or attacks that use natural weapons.
Dur’zoga: You become fascinated by what lies beyond. Whenever you notice or hear of something of eldritch nature, you drop whatever you are doing to enquire more about it and attempt to get closer to it, physically or otherwise.
Combat effects
So Waron has double advantage on dex saving throws DEAF BEASTIAL RAGE
IF we short rest:
- I’ll get my divine gift back, which means I could “Hunt the Prey” once if we’re going to rest after…
- Resting during the hunt would be hard though…
I think we should hold a choke point since they’re coming to us for the time being. “GREY! GET BACK! WE’LLL HOLD THEM AT THIS CHOKE POINT!” “Let’s Rend their flesh from bone! (ensue maddened laughter)“
- Says while looking at party member dead in the eye, red eye flaring!
Waron bites a scourge dog in half for first blood!
Next round, I need to get Grey to safety!
- Heal him w/ Healing hands?
- Also attack one of the dogs with my bonus action, and apply smite!
- If I can knock it back with my attack by transforming my weapon, I want to!