Depending on the amount of comrades with the tattoo, they gain the following effects:
- Once per long rest, a tattoo-attuned user can request to reroll the d100 roll for madness, but must take the new number.
- Oncer per long rest, a tattoo-attuned user can request to reroll the d10 roll for madness, but must take the new number.
- All tattoo-attuned users affected by madness have the time affected by short or long-term madness, cut in half (returns to normal amount of time, if attunement of the tattoo is ever removed for some reason).
- All tattoo-attuned members have advantage on saving throws for madness.
- When a tattoo-attuned user requests to re-roll the d100 or d10, they can choose to take the old or new result.
- Any tattoo-attuned individual can use their action when adjacent to another tattoo-attuned individual to end any short-term madness. When this is used, the member in this interaction who was suffering from madness can benefit from this property until they have taken a long rest.
- Immunity to madness and pauses all active long-term and indefinite madness’s for each attuned tattooist when all tattoo-attuned members are within the same District of Luyarnha.
- Immunity to madness and pauses all respective active long-term and indefinite madness’s for each attuned tattooist when all tattoo-attuned members are within Luyarnha. (edited)