
Full name: Verena Terra Harrow Age: 25

Elven tattooist (custom class)- Daughter to an aristocratic family and is both the literal and figurative red-headed child of the family, born without a distinct connection to the arcane like so many others. Her family had pressured her since childhood to pursue the arcane powers of the “weave” (A strand-like flow of energy throughout the world that all arcana follows, similar to water flowing through river channels). However, Verena found that she was unable to bend and call upon the weave, but instead, capture it with magical needles and thread it through her body, becoming a conduit for the power similar to a battery, rather than a direct channeler. This understanding of herself was found later in her life, after an accident involving her taking a firebolt to the arm and being reprimanded for her incompetence by the family. The abuse continued, being told to cover up her scar and her shame of the family until she was worthy of being recognized for her mistakes. The final straw was when she was put into a forced marriage, claiming “she could finally be of some use to the family” given her looser connection to the arcane. She hears from rumors amidst the aristocracy about strange carvings and arcane designs that are trying to be harnessed in the locked-down city of Luyarnha, a place of wild innovation and discovery, but incredibly dangerous as well due to some sort of confusing plague…

Verena’s Research

The Prophecy

The Carvenger is prophesied to bring 13 entities to together and made whole by the use of three ancient runes. Verena has not seen the original runes but she has seen a derivative of one of them in her mind.

The Unchaining

The night of the 4th hunt, they lost control they were killed and transformed into grotesque abominations according the to the scribes they don’t know.

Theories as to why:  

  • a spell was cast to destroy Osteomancy as a whole.

  • New eldritch moon and a creature born from the moon destroyed, and has never appeared again The Yellow King

  • A form of punishment by the Radiant One on the unholiness of the Osteomancers

This event is know as the The Unchaining

The chain: Kaises has been able to help them come back in to society in various ways.
