
Heading over into Heaven’s Hospice to console Dur’zoga and Cello

Semetra & Marinus

Semetra and Marinus head to Heaven’s Hospice on their own, and get a private table for two and discuss just what the fuck happened last combat.

The person who possessed Semetra during our battle that resulted in Dur’zoga and Marinus dying changes with each Moon.

  • Her people draw power from the moon.
  • After migrating to Luyarnha, something changed in their power. It changed much like the phases of the moon.
    • Someone could always connect to the moon in a stronger way that they could, these people were referred to as Aspects of the moon?
    • 1 Confirmed Aspect of the moon has been… killed?

This time, it happened to be the 1st Vicor of the Radiant church: Vicor Priscilla After the 33rd hunt, she went insane, was stabbed by a scourge beast, and presumed dead? Marinus is an “Aspect”? Aspect of what? The void?

It appears that Semetra’s people started dying off frequently following the 33rd hunt… They were being drawn into their affiliation with the Eldritch Moons… The only reason she survived was due to being isolated, and drawn into the Jaeger Program.

Semetra thinks the Radiant church holds more secrets about what happened during the 33rd moon. Steinhardt, the 1st Jaeger also had something happen to him during the 33rd eldritch moon?!

  • The last anyone had heard of him, he was headed into the Sewers of the Ruby district, to clear out the beasts there.

Marinus seems to be hiding something about why he came to the city…

  • ”For answers” isn’t good enough, Semetra pressed him further after having just poured her heart out to him.
  • He’s here looking for someone in particular…
    • Likely to solve the murder case he hinted towards in his intro
    • Nissahna Heelspark”. The name of the person he’s looking for. People disappearing after being accused of murder, and being loyal to the old ways of the world before Luminary scribes that tried to dig into the case seemingly got bumped off the case for looking into the case.
  • Also following the case of someone named “Heelspark”
  • This Luminary scribe’s name is Volker Daffrey, and can apparently be found in the Paterna Iter district

Side note

Semetra mentions the name of the (cleric?) that refused to resurrect Marinus.


After sitting silence for a moment following Semetra and Marinus going out for a drink (not specifying were to the rest of the party), Waron seeing Cello and Dur’zoga in low spirits, suggests going to get some food/refreshments to wind down/process everything that just occurred.

  • TherapySession.jpeg

Looking to go somewhere quiet and comfortable, these find themselves in Heaven’s Hospice, though at a separate private table from Marinus and Semetra, thinking it best to let them have their privacy.

  • Meta note: The rest of the party that wasn’t present for this session canonically headed to the Barracks of the Battle Rest to lighten their spirits

What Waron should say to Cello/Dur’zoga

Waron orders the following:

The Smoking Gargoyle (8s) Devils on Horse back (6s)

And one Pearly Gates’ Sour (7s), which he slides to Dur’zoga as a means of welcoming her back.


Luna, our table’s server enters.

  • Mute, communicates that they’d like to take our order telepathically as well as with words appearing on parchment magically.

After taking Dur’zoga’s order, she attempts to place a hand on her shoulder. Dur’zoga not understanding her intend, leans away lightly, but upon Luna’s fingertips brushing Dur’zoga’s shoulder she experiences a wave of emotions that ease her mood, and lighten her spirits.

Similarly, after taking Cello’s order she touches Cello seemingly with the intent to try and understand what’s bothering her and ease her worries similarly to what she had just done for Dur’zoga. Cello started seemingly unlocks some of her memory when coming into contact with Luna.

  • Ballad of Moonlit princess runs through her in response to Luna’s touch. (A piece by her mistress)
  • Cello thanks Luna for the pleasant memory of her Mistress being brought to surface.

Luna then takes her leave of the table for the time being.

Cello begins to open up about her mistress’s note

Cello’s mistress told her to leave the city. Claims she deserves a better life outside. Says the city is cursed.

  • This seems to be at odds with the later section of this session’s notes, in which Minerva wishes for Cello to finish what she could not?

Upon being asked by Waron if she means to leave the city, Cello affirms her stance that she intends to investigate her Mistress’s murder/attack

  • Marinus appears to join in the conversation here, having over heard this part of the conversation after finishing talks with Semetra and taking notice of our table.

Semetra apologizes to Dur’zoga profusely

[Semetra] owes us one! We now have a favor from her, no questions asked!

  • She offered to Dur’zoga, to be clear.

Cello’s Rune box with arcane scribing

  • It’s written in Gothic Arcane
    • Not the normal Draconic
    • A spell was emblazoned into the box: An arcane lock with a heavy enchantment/transmutation modification
      • If someone had KNOCK they could open it!
  • Minerva’s closest association with someone who would be capable of doing something like this:
    • Michelangelo Holy shit.
    • Carmella. Someone she knew, but Cello didn’t really know?
    • The Ivory Strings Rival Musician. Only real competitor with their family.
      • Father: Ferric
      • Mother Delanie
      • Older brother Parahorn
      • Younger Brother Layalin
      • Their music was allegedly magical in nature

Marinus asserts the need to break into the Luminary Scribe’s records to find… “Information”

Though he get some pushback from Waron and Cello, who assert that maybe rather than jumping straight to attempting to rob the literal CIA of this world, it would make sense to try and gain what information/assistance we can through proper channels first.

Proper channels being through Vicor Abraham, or approaching some of the scribes our selves.

  • Some of their detectives/agents owe us after assisting with the Dullahan incident
  • And others are just kind of dumb, we could probably take advantage of that to gleam some info, if not scope out their base and gather info for a future heist if it comes down to it.

Semetra however is of course all for the heist.

  • She was thinking about raiding them herself anyways lmao.

Other bit of info brought up: Oh shit, we need to prep for the upcoming Eldritch moon! It’s fast approaching after all.

Waron heads back to HQ

Upon entering, the shop keep, and veteran of the order greets Waron, asking how he is. Waron, stumbling in somewhat drunk, responds: “Ah, shitty day”.

Waron is consoled at the Paladins of the Eldritch hunt by the shop keep on the rough day he’s had. Surprisingly Waron opens up about feeling like a failure after the day/nights proceedings. Having felt like he let down his party members, failing to finish off the Dullahan, going down to a mere two opponents and having party members die as a result.

  • Alluding to himself not being as durable suddenly as a reference to the fact that he had 4 max hp reduced due to the house of blood syringe bit, which did in fact matter in that combat.

Waron also expresses interest in following under one of Thokk Bloodbather’s Pack Lords, as he seeks to sturdy his resolve and become a shield for his companions.

He seeks more training, and a new set of armor or something similar to help him in his endeavors.

Bad Bitches With Mean Stitches

  • Shop for armor/clothing. Jaegers get their fits here!
  • I asked where I could get some more durable duds,

Upon heading to his broken down bunk for the night in the Barracks, Waron is stopped by a fellow Initiate. A recruit, human man in low 20s removes his helm and greets Waron. He introduces himself as Duncan, one of those that Waron saved during the last Eldritch moon! He thanks Waron for having saved him, and goes on about having successfully become an official initiate rank now within the order!

He accredits Waron with his success, and professed his respect for the man that saved his life. Waron, reeking of Alcohol, welcomes him to the Oath, surprised at the sudden warmth after the solemn afternoon.

  • I swear to God if Hunter kills this man just to fuck with Waron I will throw hands

Sweet kid, anyway Waron bid him well and heads to bed.


Cello & Waron failed their flashback Dice rolls (2 and 3 respectively)

Marinus’s Flashback

Dur’zoga Flashback

She flashes back to her childhood, hands small, her father a huge imposing figure. He was letting her play with a prized Emerald of their family, alluded to have somehow played a role in Dur’zoga being conceived? Her father being an Orc, and her mother being a human. Mother scolding her for nearly swallowing this precious Emerald.

The area she grew up around: Rover District

  • mostly half orcs & humans
  • A tiefling or two

The emerald is reveled as being a part of her mother’s necklace, matching her mothers eyes, and Dur’zoga skin. Likely the equivalent of a wedding ring

Verena and Cello

Verena asks Cello a few questions about the box, having not seen it before at the pub She nat 20s, and identifies the unique spell locking the box.

  • There’s a contingency spell placed on it? (Contingency being the spell name)
    • Requires something specific to happen for the box to open
      • Maybe it requires a specific song to be played to open?
      • The inscription reads: “To my princess in the moonlight, finish what I could not.”
        • Alludes to a song? Verse? Vengeance?

Cello plays the song “The moonlight princess” to the box, rolls a 22.

  • Fucking NAILS it.
  • NoOnesThereToAupplause.jpeg
  • Box does not open
