Character Details
Full Name: Semetra ???
Nickname: ?
Gender: Female
Species: Elf/Half-elf?
Met: Yes
Organization affiliation:
She is one of the Jaeger Meisters of the Sanctified District. Depending on what moon she calls upon, she’s at risk of some entity using her as a host.
- As was the case with Vicor Priscilla during the fight with Ormiir, in which she killed not only Ormiir, but Verena and Marinus as well!
She has some serious issues with people in positions of authority. Typically viewing them as shills, the main problem of what’s wrong with this city, etc.
She is also the last of the Lunar Wardens
She is however, currently Missing
Relationship with Party:
Pretty positive actually. She assisted us in fighting Ormiir after the Dullahan incident. Although she became possessed by the spirit of a former Vicor and killed 2 party members, but she revived one on the spot, and we where able to rush the other to be revived in time as well.
- Seems like she has our back now a days.