Character Details
Full Name: The Veiled Hunter
Nickname: ?
Gender: ?
Species: Some kind of Scourge Wendigo??
Met: Encountered. Not “met”
Organization affiliation:
Creeping us the fuck out.
A Wendigo of sorts, wearing a Veil to cover any facial form. Appearing as a void, rather than displaying any facial features. Darkened green robes, accents of jewels and horns.
This… thing is a creature of local folk lore. A doom bringer of sorts. Notably the reason Jaeger Calvin clawed his own eyes out, to escape it’s gaze. Apparently it’s how he ended up being the lone survivor of it’s hunts.
Relationship with Party:
Apparently Hunting the Party, waiting for some opportune moment…
Appeared on the Train into the city. Session Marker Needed Appeared again after slaying the Scourge beast (Or was it just before?) Session Marker Needed