Shop Keep
Name: Seshk Description: Relationship with party:
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The Periapt of Wound Closure (500g)
Stabilizes at the beginning of your turn doubles hit dice recovery
The Periapt of Health
- Advantage against madness throws
- Immunity to contracting disease
- Suppresses diseases actively afflicting the wearer!
Ring of Solars sight (1200)
- 4 charges (regains 1d4 charges at dawn)
- Allows you to use
Hunter's Mark
against a target! - +2 bonus to attack rolls against marked targets
- Attacks against the target deal radiant damage!
Hushed Ring
- Prevents certain modes of communication, but allows telepathic thought
- Allows you to silence creatures within 10ft.
- Once per dusk
Ring of the mute mage
- Silent is inscribed into it, allows you to silently cast a verbal spell
Blood hound Breaker
- no attunement required
- Visualize smell
Enchanter Breaker (1200)
- Whenever your affected by a spell that
- Shatter enchantment, can use enchantment to weaken the grip of the enchantment spell on myself and allies