Session Intro

Quest in the Shrouded District:

Vikar Renya Pelicos has asked them to make contact with Lord Tomethon Raywoldt in the Shrouded District to investigate an uptick in scourge. She tells them to also investigate the Spire (which is the haven of the Radiant Church in the Shrouded District) because it seems to be the origin of the scourge. She explains that it is out of her jurisdiction and must use a third party to conduct the investigation. Additionally, the presence of empty vials of Silver Tonic implicate the Church. In exchange for this, they will have access to her books/library for 29 hours. Additionally, Lord Tomethon Raywoldt will pay them.

Potential bits

  • WTF does it mean to “Find the moon?”
  • I was married?
  • I was the leader of the eldritch hunt?
    • This was just a dream after all, maybe a vision of the future? An end goal? No idea truly. She called us proper

Session Notes

We met a fellow who introduce himself as Maddon Gillet

  • he’s under Victor (The Bitch)
  • Seems like he has to be rather careful about how he interacts with us

We’re essentially here as representatives of the Church

We witness the retirement home…

  • the tower

The river and air are very polluted.

We stumble across a drug deal

The scavengers lore dump:

  • They cause problems for the people here Dream lilies

The red headed drug dealer: Chet dually

New shit they’re selling:

  • Dragon’s blood, makes you feel like a God
  • 1 Crown

They also sell:

  • Boot leg holy tonics?
  • Poison potion that makes you vomit random things
    • Chaotic magic

We can find the Scavengers just by asking in the alley ways

In the Lord’s Manner

Waron beats Marinus in a game of pool whilst we wait for the Lord. The lord himself, Tomethon Raywoldt appears.

  • Straight back, fiery eyes. Elven ears and features.
  • Speaks from a heavy lisp Claims to be a man of the people Is trying to hire people to help with the dealings of the scourge

The “spire” is referred to as a sanctuary.

  • Also doubles as a retirement home for those in the district.

Norbert, a former Jaeger program member that dropped out, noted the increase in scourge creatures in the area.

They’re putting out their own holy tonic?!

Norbert’s investigation stopped at a dead end of sorts…

  • A dilapidated former meat processing plant, filled with scourge beasts

Reward for evidence?

  • Networking resources
  • Ruby Crystal of some form (Blood crystal)
    • Crystalized blood from scourge beasts (rare)
    • Contains intense arcane power, and worth quite a lot
  • Retainer fee:
    • 200g
    • Some white mushroom tea?

Cello asks him to connect us with Lady Camilla as a reward.

This guy HATES the church with a burning passion, seems to think they’re behind all the evils of the city.

Some one is messing with the gold currency, by poisoning the currency

He wants to free the Ruby district from Quarantine!

Possible quests with this guy:

  1. Scourge population investigation
  2. Fake currency propagation
  3. Liberating the Ruby district from quarantine.
    1. Ruby district was ground zero for the scourge

Meeting with Norbert about his investigation

He tried to talk to the Vicor Henry.

  • He tried to shove the Fake holy tonic down his throat practically, so he has a sample People being treated like Rats at a lab, or pigs in a slaughter house…
  • Meat and bone mill, technically owned by the church. His stealth failed, resulting in his destroyed leg.

+2 torches to all

Waron’s Madness progresses a bit for a moment..

  • failed wisdom throw when talking about his Wife

Private Talk between Marinus and Verena

Marinus recounts the details between him and Verena about his torture session with The curator at the Sanctified Sinner

He had mentioned using the bone cocoon spell, and ended up in trouble at the red cross, who escorted him to the Sanctified Sinner to be tortured for information.

Dur’zoga, Cello, and Narissa Investigate the Tower

They manage to get in, and obtain several doses of the silver tonic directly from the Vicor himself there. Narissa catches that the Vicor appears to have a deep distain for them for some reason.

The Vicor tries to convince them to join them in the elevator.

  • Mentions a patient from the Ruby District
    • A child? Tried to break her way into the Ruby district…
    • Was separated from her parents within, tried to reconnect with them, and happened to come down with a bad case of the scourge
  • Mentions a potential cure for the scourge

Seems to inquire about Narissa in particular quite a bit.

Waron’s Chat with Verena

She wanted to chat, claiming to possibly know about Waron’s wife

Something.. living within the fire? Some dark evil beast

  • Waron envisions this, attempts to peer further into it.
  • It’s cutting a massive upward strike, wings of fire erupting from it’s back
  • It’s striking My wife

He fails another wisdom saving throw

  • I can lose hit dice, or let it consume me.
  • I cannot get them back, I’m permanently losing HP

Waron’s madness consumes him momentarily Verena instantly links minds with him, attempting to break through whatever seems to be causing his… transformation.

  • The scene of fire, the woman appears to be slain by a beast of fire.
  • This draws Waron into a maddened state Verena mushes Waron’s face, in his mind: ” She’s gone” He rejects this, mentioning that if he could perhaps stay here, he could find a way to save her from this fate. He attempts to move closer, but…

Verena DRAGS Waron into her own mind space

”I’ve also experiences such a loss” The scene is that of her school, burning to the ground. The people visages of shadow. The scene of her dueling another student, unable to parry their firebolt with her spell/wand.

Her wrist burns, seethes. Her mother appears to be the professor/principal

TODO: Add Waron/Verena back and forth Something appears to trap Verena and Waron within her traumatic memory of fire… A glyph, similar to those she’d seen prior, that etched itself into her being. A glyph of Fire, of the sort her and Waron had been afflicted with perhaps? Verena and Waron: “Fire bad”
