Session Intro

Waron can hear again!

We’re just outside the water works right now, and need to deal with the bodies still…

  • We need to investigate the runic structuring/what was going on with the bodies
  • Maybe separate the bodies into piles, one to burn (infected), and ones to return

We’re 1/3rd of the way through the eldritch moon!

Session Notes

Waron notices something appears to be… watching us.

  • Kind of a given, ngl.
  • Hears a newer sound closer to us…
    • Dogs howling coming from the water way.

Narissa detects the heavy trodden footsteps of something heavy and bi-pedal heading in our direction…

  • Traveling in lock-step with us.
  • We’re being hunted. Narissa shoots a scourge dog at the water way that begins approaching the party, killing it in one shot and scaring away the other 2 dogs…

There is a creature of some sort stalking us here, that we know about…

  • Brid mask, decaying, with mushrooms growing out…
    • A member of The Circle of Symbiosis? Waron casts Divine sense on top of using his usual discernment to detect scourge bodies vs non infected bodies in the water ways.
  • They are all infected.

The being appears to the party, warning them to back off investigating/interfering The being appears to make a trade of loyalty to Marinus… It warns us to back off, threatening that it will call more hounds.

Marinus’s oil starts spreading outwards on the water


Waron shouts at Narissa to focus on the big bad guy, who’s calling the wolves here, since they’re far away, while he covers her.

  • She heckin’ nails him twice, wounding him in the process.

Dur’zoga and Grey team up on a wolf, bloodying it rather quickly.

Verena and Cello deal with another down below.

It appears as though there is only the creature/man calling the beasts, and two other hounds here currently…

  • I presume he’ll be calling more to the vicinity shortly…

The birdman creature is pissed at Narissa’s shots, and cracks his little skull item, which screeches and cries, appearing to call something…

  • His shoulders chuckle wickedly.
  • Then he retreats to the back of the roof…

Waron wants to:

  • Act as cover for Narissa?
  • See if he can pick up on what that thing was trying to summon…
  • Has the greased water spot expanded more? Narissa, do you

Howls coming from south, east, and north. Scourge Lycan howls coming our way.

Waron will hunt the prey mark the dog attacking Marinus to tp to them (will have to wait for next turn?)

  • Shit, I need to res him! Can I shove the hound off the top here?

The creature runs away.

  • ”I was trying to be patient with you”

For the one attacking Marinus, I might have to action dash, tank the reaction hit from the bestie, and use my bonus action to mark the dog by him with “hunt the prey”

Can I Action dash and bonus action spectral slash since it has a distance of 20ft to get up to Marinus?

Octo dog, is in fact, not friendly.

Does spectral slash free me from grappled state?

  • since I become a specter to pass through stuff?

I can attack, and if I succeed, transform my weapon to make the beast make a strength save or be pushed further into the oil!

  • try to use this to break the grapple?

Grey attacked the tentacle attached to me, maybe I can attack it w/ my bonus action to free myself, and use my action to get Marinus up again!

Well, you where a bit of a bastard, but I suppose you didn’t choose to be scourge ridden.

  • May you find solace in the light.

Waron notes for next Session:

Comment on Grey and Dur’zoga riding a hound over? Try to make up having to kill the dog to Cello.

  • Ideally consult Verena on how to best go about this
  • We’ll likely try and find some way to get her a familiar lol.
    • She technically already can do this via her hat, right?

Waron did mention he’s not a fan of dogs personally…

  • due to session 18 combat, were he got bodied by 2 hounds.


double down on the meme-y thumbnail from last time, but with a bunch of dogs, and more meat this time.

  • maybe give Cello an Apron over her sketch too.
  • Title something witty about this being Ep.2 of Cooking w/ Cello, or something about scourge puppies…

For reference, Cello was willing to lose her hand and be rebuilt to pet a scourge dog at the entrance initially lol.

  • Which Narissa shot shortly after


Video thumbnail ideas:

Cello cook out pt 2? Cello crying over dog? Waron launching Narissa in the BG

Grey & Dur’zoga riding a scourge Lycan, throwing their spears barely missing Waron’s head as he’s being strangled by octo-dog’s tentacles. Meanwhile Cello, who is also being grappled by the tentacles, pets him while smiling. Marinus being flung around while grappled via toothed tentacle like a rag doll.

Waron with his hands stuck in the cocoon? Waron swinging Marinus out of the cocoon, using him as a weapon into a spectral state to get him out