Session Intro

We’re at the destroyed aqueduct, now burning a huge pile in the center.

The circle had attacked us, warning us to keep out of their business of corrupting corpses, seemingly with the scourge…

Failed to obtain puppy. :(

Session Notes

Howling From the Northern Sect of Paterna Iter, or south of the Church.

It seems the beasts are gathering to mount an assault on the church again…

Waron fails his madness save… (78/100, 9/10)

  • I see the face of someone, crying out in pain… (A woman)
  • His mind is broken.

Waron’s incapacitation

He cannot attack, use bonus actions, or move. Until either greater restoration is applied, or he takes 8 damage.

  • He has 8hp currently, so it would drop him, and he’d need to be stabilized. They called Waron a large, middle child, while he was incapacitated.

Grey’s Madness:

Throws him back to his ambush with the princess Reminded his hands are blasphemous weapons.

  • Once per turn, he deals an extra 1d8 psychic damage

Once I enter the greenhouse again, the humidity change triggers something… A memory of Waron’s…

  • He remembers Leigha.
  • Hunger tries to rise within him, but something barely holds it back…

Stop it… Get away from her! Leave her be! Leiah!

Some man shouts the following: “Jerard, Nooo!”

A hunger weaves its way through Waron’s body.

  • simply takes a thought to quell.
  • Melds into my being, he is unaffected

Waron doesn’t quite recall the tormenting vision in his mind from just now, but Verena does…

Short rest is activated

Narissa sets us up with some leather scraps to give the party advantage on stealth.

Lunar revenant in the water…?

  • Seems strange. Not a giant skelly.
  • Fuckthat.jpeg
  • We decide to move on, and not fight the creature.
    • Noted that its destroying crops

15 to 16 beast like men, moving forwards towards a wounded hunter.

Powerful howls of something moving towards the Cathedral…

  • Stronger than the howls of the beast of the cathedral.


We’re sneaking up to the lone hunter being attacked by beasts.

Waron marks Narissa as his [Prey] for [Hunt the prey]

Assuming this will start again this session. Waron is low HP, and feeling it.

  • Might be pushed to use his bloody vial? I want to grab the guy, run back/spectral slash to initiate getting away

The Hunter is panicked, clicking the trigger of his jammed gun while surrounded. Waron managed to sneak up and get close to him!

  • He doesn’t know he’s there yet, and might attack him if prompted without warning

Waron’s plan:

  1. walk up remaining 10ft
  2. Grab the guy
  3. move remaining area that I can via movement towards Narissa
  4. spectral slash through the beasts surrounding Come with me, we’re getting you out of here! We may have our grievances with one another, but save it for after the hunt.
  • No one gets left behind.

Narissa is 80ft away from Waron after saving the guy

  • after 15ft of movement?
  • I can action dash + tp bonus action should get me there! Waron to the Hunter:

Outside combat

The beasts are moving in packs tonight, it’s not safe to travel alone. Given your wounds, you ought to come with us to a safe location.

We make it to Hugo Magmabrant

The hunter we rescued is a member of the church’s The Militia

  • has survived 7 hunts (“Let’s see if we can make this your 8th”)

Verena sweet talks Hugo into sharing his password for entry to his abode.

Luhyarna’s lock down event occurred after the 1st war.

  • It was national news.
  • First war started in 1000AE , and ended in 1010AE.
  • Current year is 1015AE.

Waron would give Hugo a hug when leaving

  • treating him with respect, in light of his struggles since he lost his parents at a young age

Good thing to give Narissa shit about:

  • Missing the last shot on the Circle member, she seems real sore about it

Name idea:

Retten von Terror

  • Translates to Savior of Terror


Hunter quotes to find:

  • “Fuck you, your turns over.”

950, Godless King comes into power 980 , the civil war erupts to overthrow the Godless King that reigned within 981, civil war ends.