One of the main areas in the Luyarnha.


Luyarnha’s Ruby District was once the agricultural heart of the city.

The urban transformation of the city-state at large meant that farmworkers gradually traded in their plows for city jobs, and the district saw a burst of modernization.

Over time, it evolved into a vibrant residential zone due to its convenient proximity to key city locations like the Grand Cathedral, the Newbridge District, and Paterna Iter.

Nowadays a somber tapestry of red maple trees and decayed structures, their scarlet undertones once the sign of prosperity, evoke the haunting memories of blood spilt upon the city’s cold, merciless stones.

The crumbling abbeys and churches, ever-present shadows, bear witness to the once formidable hold of the Radiant Church, now gradually eroding beneath the weight of the Scourge that erupted within these red walls.

