Chain of command

**Commander/Master of the Hunt:

The executive decision maker of the legion and proof of his leadership being shown through a beautiful great sword, wielded by their current Master of the Hunt, Ludwig Kroening. 

Captain/Pack Lord:

Responsible for the tactical planning of their respective responsibilities within the order, with two Pack Lords always being chosen. One specializes in defense, the other in offense. The current Pack Lord for defense is Thokk who is responsible for choke points, blockade building, and reconnaissance/real time information gathering. The current Pack Lord for offense is Cona Organrender who is responsible for frontal assaults, flanking strikes, and hunting/assassination missions. 

Lieutenant/Pack Leader/Strikers:

The leaders of each smaller team that carries out orders from their respective Pack Lord (3 for each pack lord, 6 in total).

Member/Stalker (30 members):

Officially recognized members who’ve fully taken the Oath of the Eldritch Hunt and completed proper initiation. They then choose which Pack Leader they’d like to follow if multiple leaders have taken an interest. (With notable members of course) 

Initiate/Scout (~100 members):

All volunteers from various backgrounds who are in the process of earning an official membership. The fatality rate for initiates is a terrifying 50% after their first Hunt, with members often needing to complete at least 3 hunts before they’re even considered worthy of membership and completing their Oath.**


000 Organizations of Luyarnha